Delavan Sportsmens Club in Delavan WI offers trap & skeet shooting plus a pistol and rifle range with 10, 25, 50 and 100 yd targets
Looking back on 2024
For the first time, our Club experienced a tornado on Saturday, June 22. When we came to the club on Sunday, we were surprised to see the road blocked by fallen trees and debris. We lost many trees and and sustained damage to our shed and shingles lost from the Clubhouse roof. People who showed up to shoot that day, instead of shooting , pitched in and helped with the cleanup. Everyone had one thing in mind, let’s get this place cleaned up! The comradery was excellent! There was no shooting that day. In the end, we lost 35 to 45 trees. A great big thank you to all the members who helped. We now have enough firewood to last a long time.
We hosted two Hunter Safety Classes.
We are pleased to continue to support the 4H Club. There was a total of 158 youth who signed up for shooting sports. Eight participated in the shoot-off on July 13. There were 32 Juniors (grades 3-5), 27 Intermediates (grades 6-8) and 21 Seniors (grade 9 and up).
The Club has again been fortunate to have ample shells and reloading components. This is not the case at many other Clubs. We will have plenty of shells for the 2025 leagues.
The Club made donations to the National Wildlife Turkey Foundation, Brody’s Flowers (which donates flowers to area nursing homes), Big Foot Archers and the Wisconsin Conservation Congress. The WCC is a statutory body where the citizens of Wisconsin can provide input to the DNR on how to responsibly manage Wisconsin’s natural resources.
As we have done for several years, we had a Thanksgiving get-together for members on Thanksgiving Day. This event is not paid for by the Club. Participants bring a dish to pass, although it is not required. Officers donate and cook the turkey and ham. Great food and friends! If you would like to join us in 2025, just show up at noon and enjoy! No one goes away hungry.
Spring and Fall clean-up day brought in our members to clean the Club House, yard work and other misc chores. Please consider helping us in 2025.
The Annual Rifle Sight-In took place in November. Members donated raffle items. Several nice guns and bucket prizes were won. A special thank you to all those members who made donations.